A well-maintained deck can transform your outdoor space, creating a haven for relaxation and entertainment. However, over time, decking stains and oils can and dull its appearance.


Stripping your deck back to bare wood is essential for rejuvenating its look and preparing it for a new finish. This guide will walk you through the process of effectively stripping your decking, ensuring it's ready for a fresh coat of stain or oil. Let's bring back the charm to your decking!

Essential Tools & Equipment

Step 1: Prepare The Deck And Garden

  • Ensure you choose a warm, dry day for this task. Avoid rainy or overly humid conditions as they can affect the efficiency of the stripping process.
  • Clear your deck of furniture and any other items.

  • Protect surrounding plants and garden features from the stripping chemicals using a dust sheet.

  • Put on safety goggles and protective gloves.

Step 2: Apply the Decking Stripper

  • Apply a liberal amount of decking stripper, working in small sections - around 3-4 boards at a time.

  • Be cautious not to paint yourself into a corner - the surface will be slippery.

Step 3: Let The Decking Stripper Work

  • Wait for about 30 minutes.

  • The stripper will not blister off; it works by softening the existing finish.

Step 4: Scrape The Deck

  • After 30 minutes, use a palette knife or scraper to remove the old finish from the deck.

  • If the old finish comes away easily, it's ready for the next step.

  • If it doesn't come away easily, leave it on for a bit longer.

Step 5: Scrub the Deck

  • Scrub the deck in both directions using a stiff brush.

  • This action helps to loosen and remove the softened finish.

Step 6: Rinse the Deck

  • Pour water over the deck and give it another good scrub.
  • This step ensures all the stripper and loosened finish are washed away.
  • Allow the deck to fully dry before applying any new finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I strip my decking?

Can I use a pressure washer instead of scrubbing?

How long should I wait before applying a new finish?

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