How should you be caring for your home during winter?


While the winter months allow for a season of cosy activities, unfortunately, it can also bring treacherous weather and conditions that aren’t too kind to your home.


From frozen pipes, faulty heating, or damp in the walls, it’s important that homeowners make the right preparations and continue to care for their home throughout the winter months. At this time of year, no-one wants any unwanted bills or worsening issues.


We’ve spoken to a range of trade professionals across the UK to find out exactly what you need to be keeping an eye on during winter to ensure minimal problems and a stress-free season. We’ve also scraped Google search data to find the top queried winter jobs around the home – all to arm you with the awareness and know-how you need before and during winter.

What home issues are people searching for during winter?

We scraped Google searches to find out what queries homeowners are searching for during the colder months. The most commonly searched query is ‘how to bleed radiators’, with 458,600 searches.


Radiators that need bleeding are a common problem within the home and can cause more noticeable issues in the winter, as this can prevent them from heating up properly. Experts suggest you bleed your radiators twice a year, and this can be done at home with some towels, a bucket to catch the water, and a simple radiator bleeding key.


Query Searches
how to bleed radiators 458,600
how to repressurise a boiler 31,600
how to stop draft from windows 11,300
how to fix a radiator leak 10,240
how to clean gutters 7,300
how to clean drains 6,810
how to fix roof leaks 3,820
how to check boiler pressure 3,120
how to fix a leaking gutter 1,950
how to clean a chimney 1,860
What home issues are people searching for during winter?

The most common winter callouts for tradespeople


Most trades see an increase in calls around wintertime, with our study showing that 67% of electricians agree.


The electricians we spoke to say their top five most common callouts during this time of year are:


Job Percent
Fixing outdoor lights 53%
Fixing faulty wiring 45%
Resolving power that keeps cutting 40%
Resolving issues from a storm 21%
Resolving issues with circuit breakers 17%



With winter weather being so wet and unpredictable, it’s no surprise that it can wreak havoc with our home’s electricals. While electrical problems may appear confusing, a quarter (25%) of the electricians in our study believe that roughly half of these jobs (between 40-59%) could be conducted by the homeowners themselves.


However, working with electricity has the potential to be very dangerous and there are some jobs that should only be approached by a professional. The top five jobs electricians believe homeowners should never attempt to fix themselves:


Job Percent
Re-wiring 90%
Install new electrical shower 83%
Attempt to fix faulty wiring 80%
Resolve issues with circuit breakers 74%
Install new electrical sockets 72%

Plumbers & Heating Specialists

A leaky pipe or a dripping ceiling can be one of the most disruptive things to happen in the home, and issues are known to increase as temperatures drop below freezing. In fact, 85% of plumbers and heating specialists in our study agree they see an increase of calls around the wintertime.


Their top 5 most common call outs in this time frame are:


Job Percent
To repressurise a boiler 49%
To fix a broken boiler 45%
To fix a leaking pipe 43%
To fix a radiator leak 21%
To check boiler pressure 21%


Needing to keep warm in the winter means this can be a busy time for plumbers and heating specialists. While half (51%) believe some (between 20-30%) of their jobs could be done by the homeowner, there are some that should be left to the professional:


Job Percent
Attempting to fix a broken boiler 94%
Attempting to install a new boiler 91%
Attempting to install a new central heating system 85%
Attempting to fix a pipe that has frozen over 23%
Attempting to fix a leaking pipe 21%
Plumbers & Heating Specialists

Roofers & Builders

When the winter weather sets in, it’s important to make sure the structure of your home is secure and watertight. Half (50%) of roofers and builders agree they see an increase in call-outs over the winter period, as homeowners aim to keep the winter weather where it belongs – outside!


The most common winter callouts for roofers and builders are:


Job Percent
To fix a leaking roof 65%
To fix a leaking gutter 40%
Renovation work in time for Christmas 30%
To fix fallen roof tiles 23%
Structural changes to the home in time for Christmas 18%


Our study reveals two in five (40%) roofers and builders believe that roughly half (40-59%) of the jobs they get called out for could be attempted by the homeowners themselves. But there are a few jobs that they believe should only be approached by expert professionals:


Job Percent
An unstable/falling apart structure 92%
A hole in the roof 75%
Knocking down inner structures and walls in the home 73%
Repairing a roof 60%
Damaged flashing 53%

Your Winter Checklist

Whilst winter certainly proves to be a common time for things to go wrong around the home, there is time for us to prepare. Taking expert opinion from our study, we have put together a checklist of jobs you should be doing around the home so you can have a winter without the added stress.

Your Winter Checklist

Jobs to do around the home before winter

According to our trade experts, these are the areas you need to work on before winter to avoid any surprises when the colder weather sets in.


  • Invest in the items you would need during a power cut e.g. Torches, batteries, blankets.
  • Check all appliances to make sure there is no sign of any potential issues or faults.
  • Check access to the central electrical panel and make sure everything is in working order.
  • Make sure all outdoor lighting is in working order.
  • Read up on what to do and what not to do during a power cut to remain safe.

Plumbing & Heating Specialists

  • Get the boiler serviced.
  • Make sure you are aware where the stopcock is in case of any flooding or issues.
  • Make sure pipes are insulated.
  • Check the boiler pressure.
  • Check there are no potential faults or issues with appliances to reduce any risk of leaks.

Roofers & Builders

  • Inspect and clear all guttering.
  • Check for any loose or fallen tiles.
  • Inspect their loft/under roofing.
  • Inspect flashing.
  • Check the exterior walls of their home.

Jobs to do around the home during winter

According to our experts, there are also jobs and activities around the home that should be done during the winter months to maintain a safe and working living environment.


  • Make sure electrical sockets are not overloaded.
  • Make sure heating appliances are not covered.
  • Keep any unused appliances and electrical items unplugged.
  • Don’t leave large electrical appliances such as washing machines and tumble dryers on when no-one is home.
  • Keep an eye on all outdoor wiring to make sure no wires become exposed.

Plumbing & Heating Specialists

  • Regularly check boiler pressure.
  • Use a heating timer to ensure the heating system can run smoothly.
  • Don’t put any food or household waste down the sink or any other pipes to stop any blockages.
  • Regularly check the loft to make sure there are no leaks and the area remains insulated.
  • Keep an eye on all pipes to make sure they are insulated.

Roofers & Builders

  • Check and clear guttering regularly.
  • Keep an eye on your roof during periods of high winds.
  • Look out for loose shingles or fallen tiles.
  • Clear roof debris as it builds.
  • Keep an eye on the chimney when fires are lit.


While we’re prone to colds and in need of a little TLC in the wintertime, your home is no different! Being prepared is the key to having a warm, dry, and cosy home ready to brace against the winter elements.


While for some issues you may need to call in a professional, make sure you’re prepared for any winter problems by making sure your toolbox is stocked up with all the essential hand tools you may need. We’ve also got an array of central heating supplies and plumbing fittings to help you this winter.


Toolstation surveyed a range of electricians, roofers and builders, and plumbing and heating specialists across the UK to find out how much their callouts increase over the winter. We also asked what their most common callouts are, their top three recommended jobs to do before winter, and the same for during winter.