Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing the highest levels of service and products to our customers. If something hasn’t quite gone to plan, please let us know. This will help us to improve our standards of service.

Our Promise To You


  • We’ll always listen, and do our best to resolve your issue.

  • We’ll investigate quickly and acknowledge your complaint within 5 business days.

  • We seek to fully resolve your issue within 14 days.

  • We'll prioritise your urgent concerns.

  • We’ll be transparent, you’ll always be kept updated if further investigation is required or issues arise.

  • We'll learn from any concerns you share to further improve how we work.

  • We’ll continuously monitor the complaints procedure to provide the best possible handling of issues throughout.

How Do I Make a Complaint?

There are a number of ways you can make a complaint:


  • In person at one of our stores.

  • Calling our customer service team on 0330 333 3303.

  • Using our contact form on our Contact page.

  • Write to us at the following address:


FAO Complaints,


Lodge Way House, 

Lodge Way, 

Harlestone Road,


United Kingdom,



To help us to understand your complaint, and in order that we do not miss anything, kindly tell us:


  • Your full name and contact details.

  • Any order references.

  • What you think has gone wrong.

  • How you would like your complaint to be resolved.


Our colleagues will discuss your concerns, consider available solutions and pass feedback to the required area.

How Will You Deal With My Complaint? 

We will investigate your complaint, this will usually involve:


  • Reviewing your complaint.
  • Reviewing any relevant documents and systems.
  • Liaising with the person who dealt with your matter.


We may also need to ask you for further information or documents. If so, we will ask you to provide the information within a specific period of time. 


We will update you on the progress of your complaint. 


We will contact you at the end of our investigation to tell you what we have done and what we propose to do to resolve your complaint. We will aim to do this in a reasonable and timely manner. 


If you still feel we’ve failed to resolve your complaint, you can ask us to escalate the issue with management. Should our internal teams not resolve your complaint, you can reach out to the following regulatory bodies, of which Toolstation submit to:



Personal data issues - Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

The ICO is an independent authority in the UK responsible for upholding information rights, promoting openness by public bodies, and data privacy for individuals. Contact details are as follows




Service/Product issues - Trading Standards

Call the Citizens advice helpline on: England - 0800 144 8848, Wales - 0800 702 2020, Scotland - 0800 028 1456. They can help with complaints about traders and disputes, and provide free impartial advice.


Alternatively you can find your local Trading Standards office by entering your postcode on the Welcome to GOV.UK website, find your local Trading Standards office.

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