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Painting stripes on your wall can add a stylish and dynamic touch to any room. Whether you're aiming for a cool and modern look or something more playful, stripes can create a bold graphic effect. By choosing the right colors, direction, and spacing, you can transform the appearance of your space.


This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of painting stripes on your wall, ensuring you achieve a crisp and straight finish.

Essential Tools & Equipment

Step 1: Prepare the Base

  • Paint the entire wall with the lighter shade of the two colors you've chosen.

  • Allow the base paint to dry for at least 24 hours.

Step 2: Determine Stripe Direction

  • Decide whether you want vertical or horizontal stripes.
  • Vertical stripes can make the room appear taller, while horizontal stripes create a more spacious feel.

Step 3: Use A Level For Straight Lines

  • To achieve straight lines, use a level instead of relying solely on tape measures and pencil marks.

  • Note that walls may not be perfectly straight or at a 90-degree angle, so you can't totally rely on surrounding furniture or skirting boards.

Step 4: Calculate Stripe Width

  • Choose a stripe width that can be evenly divided into the wall's width or height (generally 4 to 12 inches).
  • Measure the wall's width for vertical stripes or height for horizontal stripes.

Step 5: Mark Stripe Positions

  • Mark the positions of each stripe on the wall using small marks.
  • Create a guide with the exact width of your stripe to ensure accurate markings.

Step 6: Create Stripe Outlines

  • Use a traditional level and pencil to mark the stripe widths across the wall.
  • Draw a light, continuous line using the level as a guide.
  • If using a laser level, the lines are 'drawn' on the wall for you already.

Step 7: Apply Masking Tape

  • Place the tape on the outside of your pencil line to cover any marks.

  • Seal the edges of the tape by burnishing it with a plastic putty knife or card.

Step 8: Paint Between The Lines

  • Paint the areas between the masking tape lines with your chosen stripe colors.

  • Use a paint roller or brush to ensure even coverage.

Step 9: Remove Tape Carefully

  • Ideally, remove the tape immediately after painting, while the paint is still slightly wet.
  • Pull the tape off slowly at a 45-degree angle backward toward the wall.
  • Control the tape as you remove it to avoid damaging the freshly painted stripes.

Step 10: Finish and Admire

  • Allow the paint to fully dry before enjoying your newly painted bold stripes.
  • Admire the crisp and straight lines you've achieved through careful planning and execution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I paint stripes on textured walls?

How do I choose stripe colours?

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